锂电池为各种各样的装置和设备供电. That includes providing the spark when you turn the key (or push the button) to start your car or truck. 它们的容量很大, 提供大量的充电循环, 而且是一种低维护的电池.

不幸的是, if not handled properly—particularly when being shipped—lithium batteries can pose a significant fire or explosion risk. 根据 OSHA (职业安全与健康管理局), 如果电池存在设计缺陷,这种风险就会增加, 是用劣质材料做的吗, 或者组装不正确. 由于这些缺陷可能不会很明显, 小心包装和运输锂电池是至关重要的.


锂电池技术已经使用了超过25年, 所以你可能认为它很安全. 然而, the reality is that pressure to pack more energy into smaller batteries at a lower price seems to have had the opposite effect. Consequently, the risk of an adverse reaction inside a lithium battery remains high.

Lithium batteries contain a separator that keeps components from coming into contact with one another. If that partition is damaged in some way and the electrodes touch, the battery heats up very quickly. 锂电池也含有易燃的电解液. If it gets too hot, a chemical reaction can take place leading to what’s called thermal runaway. 在某些情况下,结果是火灾或爆炸.

If this situation develops in an improperly packaged or handled battery within a shipment of other products, 结果可能是灾难性的——不仅仅是在财产损失方面, 而且对任何接近电池的人都有风险.



原因如上所述, the United Nations (UN) classifies lithium batteries as “Dangerous Goods, 类9.” With that label comes the responsibility of the shipper to ensure the proper and safe handling of lithium batteries.

That requires knowledge of their characteristics and also working with a specialty packaging, 像crater这样的包装和运输公司 & 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台 that understands the challenges and has experience in the safe handling of dangerous goods. We have industry-leading expertise in packing and shipping hazardous materials according to 49 CFR, IMDG, 国际航空运输协会, 及国际民航组织的规例, 而且能处理锂电池运输的每一个细节.

UN-Certified 包装, Labeling and Documentation for 2021十大正规彩票app Lithium Batteries

The critical first step in shipping lithium batteries for cars or other uses is properly packaging them in a container that is strong and damage-resistant, 它可以捕获并保留任何电解质泄漏.

It is also crucial that lithium battery shipments be properly labeled and have the necessary accompanying documentation. Our hazardous materials specialists work with you to ensure that your shipment is correctly identified so that anyone coming in contact with the container understands that it contains lithium batteries and that there are associated hazards.


公司运送锂电池有很多不同的原因. 在某些情况下, they need to have them transported from one of their locations to another for use in production processes like automobile manufacturing. In other cases, a shipper’s role is simply the distribution of lithium batteries to end-users.

Lithium batteries are also shipped to recycling centers for processing. These different purposes may involve different shipping methods and containers. 例如, 当锂电池被运送到汽车工业时, 通常有多个单位必须安全运输, whereas a distributor might only be sending one battery to an end-user.


If a lithium battery is damaged or defective, it cannot simply be discarded. 通常, it is either sent out for repairs or transported to a recycling facility where it can be dismantled safely. The shipping of damaged or defective lithium batteries is especially complicated. It may require a specialty crating, packaging and shipping company like 2021十大正规彩票app & 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台 to use containers and processes specially designed for that purpose.



How do you know if a company you are considering for shipping your lithium batteries is qualified? 有几个关键特征需要考虑. 首先,公司成立多久了? An organization that has only recently gotten into the specialty shipping industry probably does not have the level of expertise you need for safely shipping your lithium batteries.

Second, is the company a respected provider of specialty packaging and crating services? A long list of satisfied clients is a good indicator that the business provides good customer service, meets deadlines and uses industry best practices to ensure the safety of the products it ships and the people exposed to those products.

Finally, does the company have specialized dangerous goods shipping expertise? 任何2021十大正规彩票app公司都可以说他们有能力运输锂电池. If a company cannot provide details on many successful hazmat shipping projects, 他们可能不适合你.

Lithium Battery 2021十大正规彩票app: Essential to Businesses and Safe When Done Properly

Lithium batteries are vital components in cars and countless other machines and devices. Transporting them from place to place is vital for the companies that produce those products. 运输锂电池存在重大风险, 但有一些流程和程序可以确保安全完成.

Following those procedures and adhering to regulatory guidelines with the guidance of a specialty packaging, 装箱和运输公司是最好的方式来保护您的货物, the other products that accompany it and the people who handle your lithium batteries.

2021十大正规彩票app & 十大网赌靠谱信誉平台’ long history and deep experience in handling hazardous materials and designated “dangerous goods” like lithium batteries mean you can trust us to ensure your shipments make it safely to their destination.