
The first layer, in many instances, is a strong wood crate. Often this is a custom-built wood crate 特别设计,以最大限度地保护正在运输的资产. Customized wood pallets and skids may also be used.

But that’s just the beginning. Packaging engineers 在运输过程中,板条箱内防止物品移动的措施是否也很有战略意义.

What Is Blocking and Bracing in the Specialty Shipping Industry?

Craters & Freighters clients will often ask, “What is blocking and bracing?“封堵和支撑为运输资产提供了另一层保护. It involves the use of various means to ensure that items—particularly, 大型和/或重型-在运输过程中不要在集装箱内移动或移动.

简单地用松散的材料填充板条箱周围的空间通常不足以防止它移动. 更有效的方法是将物品放入板条箱或木托盘中,然后用木块或木支架固定,这些木块或木支架拧在一起,形成一个保护框架.

For example, 带有脚轮的物品或设备可能在前后周围有块以防止滑动, 木支架,以防止左右移动和绑带锚定到木基地,以提供更多的支持.

任何物品,无论形状或大小,都可以使用精心开发的阻挡和支撑技术有效地固定. 这包括从大型工业设备到独一无二的艺术品.

What Product-Specific Packaging Solutions Are Available?

有几种类型的包装可以为将要传输的资产提供第三层保护. 这些材料是根据物品的性质选择的,可以包括:

  • Specialized cushioning. With some shipped assets, 最大限度地减少震动,并确保物品不会相互接触或容器壁,这一点至关重要. Customized cushioning can be used for that purpose. For light and delicate components, a polyurethane foam is often utilized. For heaver assets, a polyethylene foam is typically an excellent solution. 其他材料,如毛毡,也可以用来帮助保护表面光洁度的单位被装箱. Often, 保护敏感设备免受运输环境中的频率振动和潜在影响至关重要. 一种常见的解决方案是定制设计的浮动底座,用聚乙烯泡沫和弹簧螺栓固定在板条箱甲板上. The engineering team at Craters & 货机可以使用任何提供的频率振动参数来设计有效的解决方案.
  • Anti-static material. Electrostatic discharge can damage sensitive electronics. 然而,许多防静电包装材料可以用来避免这个问题. They include anti-static stretch wrap, buttle wrap, foam, and barriers.
  • Heat shrink wrapping. 这种塑料材料可以用来覆盖一件物品,然后加热和收缩,从而形成一个舒适的屏障. 在运输过程中,热收缩包装不仅可以用于将物品固定在甲板或托盘上, 这种材料通常被用作一种经济的方式来保护那些需要长时间储存的物品.
  • Vapor barrier. Many types of items, like electronics or those with bare metal surfaces, are susceptible to damage from moisture. This is especially true when they are transported in a cargo ship. VCI(挥发性缓蚀剂)袋通常用于海洋运输中的资产保护. 袋子将物品包裹起来,然后用一种特殊的真空装置将里面的空气抽走. 活性干燥剂吸收水分和湿度指示卡监测水分也可以使用.

With the three levels of protection described above in place, the risk of damage to shipped items is greatly reduced.

hard shell case

Corrugated Containers or Hard Shell Cases and Proper Packaging

For some items, the combination of a heavy duty, double-walled corrugated container 结合适当的包装材料是有效的运输解决方案. Items can also be placed inside hard shell cases lined with polyurethane, which can be custom cut to form an exact fit.

How to Know What Protective Measures Are Needed for Shipping

While your knowledge of a shipped item’s characteristics is important, you don’t have to be a specialty crating, packaging and shipping expert to get your item safely to its destination. That’s our job.

For example, at Craters & Freighters, we perform a thorough inspection of every piece of equipment, furniture, art or other asset we are asked to ship. Then, we develop a crating and packaging strategy specifically for the item.

这是否意味着一个重型板条箱和广泛的阻塞和支撑与专门的包装或瓦楞纸箱与适量的内包装, 我们总是建议一定程度的保护,以确保您的资产不会受损. 我们还提供全面的货物保险,以防发生不寻常和意外的情况. 我们能够通过我们的保险公司提供这种保险,因为我们在保护客户货物方面有很高的标准,而且多年来索赔率很低.

你只需要让我们知道你要运送什么,要去哪里,什么时候需要它. We handle the rest. That way, you can turn your attention to other tasks confident that Craters & 货运公司正在为您服务,并最大限度地保障您物品的安全. 这包括在我们65个以上的全国实体店中的任何一个发货量,并通过美国邮政和邮政服务公司前往目的地.S. and around the world.

We also provide extensive logistical support and tracking expertise, 因为正确包装和制造货物只是把它们送到需要它们的地方的第一步. If issues arise, 如果准备货物的同一家公司能帮助你克服这些障碍,那就很有帮助了.

What does it cost to get superior protection for valuable assets? Less than you might think. You can learn upfront what you will pay for that protection with a no-obligation cost estimate.

vapor barrier wrapping

Specialty Crating, Packing and Shipping Projects: Our Expertise in Images

当资产被正确地支撑,封锁和包装运输时,它是什么样子的? The Craters & Freighters photo gallery is a great place to learn how a company that specializes in the crating, 包装和运输难以移动的物品解决了一些真正独特和具有挑战性的项目.

作为该领域的领导者,我们在过去三十多年里处理过的项目清单实际上是无穷无尽的. 从一个比真人大的金属马雕塑和无数脆弱的艺术品, to motorcycles and aircraft, to server racks and huge industrial equipment, there really is nothing we can’t move safely.

如果你没有看到具体类型的项目,你需要在我们的照片和船舶 video galleries, please contact your local Craters & Freighters location. 他们很乐意与您讨论您的运输挑战以及我们如何帮助您解决这些挑战.

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